Tarantula Turf

Tarantula Turf, fashioned from coconut coir, is a sought-after bedding substrate for a diverse range of invertebrates, including katydids, mantids, stick insects, giant burrowing cockroaches, spiders, and scorpions.

Benefits of Tarantula Turf

Did you know that tarantulas are actually quite the romantics? When a male tarantula wants to impress a female, he'll perform a dance, sometimes called a 'spider waltz,' to win her over. It's like the tarantula version of dancing like nobody's watching, even though they have eight eyes!

And Safe

Tarantula Turf is made from coconut coir, a material derived from the husk of coconuts. This natural origin makes it an inherently safe choice for invertebrates. Unlike synthetic substrates, it poses no risk of chemical contamination or toxicity, ensuring a safe and healthful environment for a diverse range of invertebrates.


The bedding’s porous structure facilitates good air circulation, a vital factor in maintaining a healthy habitat for invertebrates. This airflow prevents stagnation of air and reduces the risk of mold and mildew formation, which are common problems in enclosed habitats.

Did you know that tarantulas are actually quite the romantics? When a male tarantula wants to impress a female, he'll perform a dance, sometimes called a 'spider waltz,' to win her over. It's like the tarantula version of dancing like nobody's watching, even though they have eight eyes!

Soft And

The coconut coir in Tarantula Turf has excellent hygroscopic properties, meaning it can absorb and retain a significant amount of moisture. This quality is crucial for creating and maintaining a humid environment that closely resembles the natural habitats of many invertebrates like spiders and scorpions.

Mold and

Tarantula Turf's resistance to mold and mildew is a significant advantage, especially in the moist environments preferred by many invertebrates. This resistance helps in maintaining hygienic living space, reducing the risk of fungal infections