how often to change the cat litter

How Often to Change the Cat Litter: A Step-by-Step Cleaning Routine

As cat moms and dads, let’s be thankful for one thing. Our cats are low maintenance. Unlike doggy parents, you don’t have to run behind your pup, scooping poop from the neighbor’s pavement. All you have to do is keep the kitty litter inside your house and your cats will finish their deed.

The only task in your hand is cleaning the kitty litter once in a while. To make sure that your kitty has a smooth pooping experience and you can be product kitty parents, is by adopting a disciplined routine of scooping out clumps of urine and feces and giving the litter box a thorough change and cleaning regularly. 

Through this piece, let’s tackle the age-old question of how often to change the cat litter and offer you a Step-by-Step Cleaning Routine to keep your kitty happy and healthy. 

Let’s dig in!  

Why Clean Cat Litter Regularly?

There are several reasons why you should keep your kitty’s litter box clean, some very important reasons are 

  • Kitty Health: As kitty parents, it’s your responsibility to keep your cat happy and healthy. If their kitty litter is not properly cleaned, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria and eventually harms the health of your cats
  • Odor Control: If not maintained properly, bacteria will take over the litter, and you’re left with a reeking litter that smells like ammonia and rotting eggs. Regular scooping and cleaning minimizes unpleasant smells, keeping your home fresh.
  • Happy Cats!: Clean litter is fundamental for any feline and it has been directly linked to the mental well-being of cats. So to ensure that your cat is happy and to prevent litter box avoidance make sure to keep their litter clean.

How Often Should You Change the Cat Litter?

Ah yes. Finally. We’ve reached the most asked “how often to change the cat litter” question. Well,  the answer is…it depends. It depends on various factors such as:

  • Number of cats: More cats means more waste, requiring more litters and more frequent cleaning.
  • Type of litter: Clumping litter generally needs less frequent complete changes than non-clumping litter. While choosing clumping litter, make sure to buy it from reputed brands like Reptilair. Brands like Reptilair ensure that your cat gets the best of what the market can offer and that they have a healthy and comfortable life. 
  • Litter box size: A larger box can hold more waste and needs less frequent cleaning than a small one.
  • Your cat’s habits: Some cats are fussier about cleanliness than others. As kitty parents understand how your cat is, notice their patterns and act accordingly! 

Here’s a general guideline:

  • Scooping: Make sure to scoop litter waste daily (ideally twice a day) for both clumping and non-clumping litter.
  • Complete change: For clumping litter with one cat, a complete change every 1-2 weeks is more than enough. If you are parents to multiple kitties, change it every week or even more frequently. For non-clumping litter, change it completely 2-3 times a week for one cat and daily for multiple cats.

Here are some telltale signs that you need to change the litter sooner:

  • The litter is heavily soiled despite regular scooping.
  • The litter is starting to break down and become dusty.
  • There’s a strong ammonia smell coming from the box.

How do you dispose of cat litter?

The first rule of cat litter disposal is that, don’t flush the cat litter down the toilet! Not only are you going to clog your plumbing, but cause sewage problems. If you flush litter down the toilet, you’ll end up having to buy a litter for yourself. Here are some other alternatives:

  • Compostable litter: Choose a litter specifically designed for composting and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Choose Reptipaws by Reptilair. Ecopaws are a 100% sustainable cat litter made from coconut husks. Ecopaws are easy to use and are compostable.
  • Double bagging: Scoop waste into a plastic bag, tie it securely, and place it in another sealed bag before throwing it away.

How can you stop the litter tray from smelling?

Are you religiously cleaning your kitty’s litter box but it still smells? Here are some things you can do to tackle this problem.

  • Baking Soda: Baking soda has been an age-old solution to keeping your cat’s litter clean, fresh, and odor-free. Sprinkle some baking soda on the bottom of the tray before adding the fresh batch of cat litter.
  • Choose the Right Litter: Scented litters often contain harsh chemicals that can irritate your cat’s nose. Opt for unscented clumping litter like ecopaws, the best cat litter for odor control, which is equipped with good odor control properties.
  • Clean the box regularly: Frequent scooping and complete changes are essential for odor control.
  • Location matters: Place the litter box in a well-ventilated area away from your living space.

Tips For Maintaining A Clean Litter Box

Maintaining a clean litter box is not rocket science. It is just a culmination of small things you can do that would compound to keeping the litter box fresh and clean. You can…

  • Choose the right tools: Choose a litter box that’s easy to clean, with a high rim to prevent spills. Invest in a good scooping tool.
  • Keep a schedule: make sure you are disciplined when it comes to cleaning the box. Make a schedule and stick it somewhere you can see and follow it. Make sure to scoop the litter box at least once a day. Schedule a complete change at regular intervals based on your cat’s needs.
  • Keep an eye on your cats: Simply keeping an eye on your cats can make a whole lot of difference. Make sure to pay attention to your cat’s bathroom habits and adjust the cleaning schedule as needed.


A happy cat means a happy home. As kitty parents, we’d do anything to keep our kitties happy. Maintaining their litter is one of the easiest things that you can do to keep your pets happy. Make sure to clean their litter 2-3 times a week, and keep an eye on their habits to make sure that the litter is fresh and clean. Make sure to only invest in the best cleaning products and litter for your cat, to ensure that their healthy and happy.

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