how often to change snake bedding

How Often To Change Snake Bedding?

Snakes are not necessarily bad pets, but they can be picky about their space and environment. This can be a common nightmare among passionate snake pet owners, especially considering that they are cold-blooded reptiles that survive better in natural habitats. 

Although they may seem quiet and low maintenance, an anxiety-driven snake can directly affect its survival instincts and keep them in a constant state of discomfort. But with the help of the right bedding and regular care, you can easily stay ahead of ensuring its safety and comfort without much effort required.

With this context in mind, let’s explore the purpose of snake bedding and how often to change snake bedding for its overall well-being. 


What is snake bedding? 

Before we dive into the technicalities of snake bedding, it is important to address what snake bedding is and how it serves its purpose to support the well-being of pet snakes. Snake bedding, commonly referred to as a substrate, is used to maintain snakes in a relatively comfortable, clean, and safe space.

To understand the purpose of snake bedding better, it is important to break down the purpose of a substrate. Substrates are substances with various purposes. It takes care of everything from absorbing excess fluids, allowing safe burrowing, to helping keep the snake’s environment from defecating much more easily. 

Snake bedding is not just an option; it is a fundamental aspect for making sure that your snake doesn’t struggle with staying in captivity. It teaches you how to care for your snake effectively  and cautiously. 


Types of snake bedding 

Due to its versatile functionality, snake bedding comes in various types and purposes. Some of the common types of snake bedding include: 

  • Aspen Shavings

You may have heard about aspen shavings, well known for their absorbent qualities. They are suitable for corn snakes and king snakes, and they can easily absorb defecant contents. However, it doesn’t hold humidity too well, and it can be a hurdle for species with moisture. 

  • Coconut husk/coir 

Coconut husks or coir prove to be the best option for ball python tank setup, as it is the best substrate for animals that thrive in high humidity.  Coconut bedding is also proven to be eco-friendly, and it can also be used as a soilless substrate. For premium-quality coir substrate, Reptichip from Reptiliar can be a good investment as it is durable and can be easily cleaned off any dirt. It keeps the terrarium clean and dry and ensures that the excess moisture is well taken care of. So if you are wondering how to increase humidity in a snake tank, you should definitely opt for coconut husk substrates.

  • Newspapers

You can also find breeders using newspapers as an affordable substrate for the snakes. It is not conventionally an attractive choice, yet it serves to be a cheap and easy alternative to other substrates in the market. 

  • Soil 

Although it seems like a risky decision, soil that is well maintained and away from bacteria can be used as a substrate. It is convenient for snakes for burrowing, and it has great absorbent qualities. 


The real question is: How often to change snake bedding?

Snakes have their own individual cleaning routine, and the time period required to change snake bedding can vary based on the substrate used. By standard, it is recommended to change the bedding every month, which can also vary depending on the type of snake species and their individual requirements. 

If you are using a common substrate like Aspen shavings, changing bedding once every month is recommended, whereas snake species surviving in high humidity could require changes frequently.

If you are not a big fan of frequent snake bedding, you can keep the regular snake bedding period between 2-3 months by spot cleaning. Therefore, removing the waste immediately can make the job easier for you. In certain instances, breeders who use paper towels as substrate usually go for spot cleaning. 

Remember to make sure that you do a thorough cleaning of the enclosure to maintain a good level of sanitation. 



Snake bedding is a crucial part of maintaining your pet snake’s health. It directly correlates to its overall well-being and safety. Another risk of not changing your snake bedding often is the distress caused to the snake, which keeps them in a state of being hidden and anxious within their environment. 

For a smoother experience of snake bedding, you can opt for coir fiber chips, which help with absorbing excess moisture, make burrowing convenient, and are good for their skin and claws. So make a decision that is best suited for your cool-blooded reptiliar friend.

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